Droppett for art

At DROPPETT we see beauty in a clean planet. We also have an appreciation for the way our communities and talented artists perceive it. Keep an eye out for our art-emblazoned trucks and drop boxes in the near future. Keep checking back to see DROPPETT’s art collection from some local talented artists.

Throughout the year we will have coloring and art contests for individuals, schools and organizations to get the chance to have their art featured on one of our DROPPETT locations. Even if your art isn’t selected, it will be recognized on our droppett.com web page in the “DROPPETT FOR ART” section. If you are interested in participating in one of the contests or sponsoring a DROPPETT contest or location please contact us at info@droppett.com and we gladly assist you.

Rules and regulations for submissions:

  • Artwork must consist of one of the completed coloring pages from droppett.com or original artwork. (artwork may not contain any specific company logo’s or copyrighted images other than the DROPPETT logos and website information.)
  • Artwork for contests must be submitted no later than 11:59pm central time of the closing date of the contest. (I.E. – if the contest closes on 12/31/2020, all artwork must be submitted by 11:59pm on 12/31/2020 to be eligible.)
  • Individuals, schools and organizations may submit as many entries as they like for contests.
  • Winners may be determined in 1 of 3 ways (to be defined prior to contest start):
    • Random drawing of all submissions.
    • Voting process via social media (on the facebook page we will establish a poll of the submissions)
    • Blind judging process by local artists, business owners and media personalities. (local judges to be determined prior to contest start. Judges may not have any submissions for the contest they are judging. Judges will not have prior knowledge to judging as to who submitted the artwork.)

All artwork submissions become the property of DROPPETT to be used on the website social media and local media for promotional tools and advertising. (all artwork that is used for promotion, contests and DROPPETT locations shall recognize the submitting artist or organization.)